Biography and accomplishments

Mladen Ivančić

My path to art was a purely accidental one. I am almost self-taught because the only education I have ever had was taking a course in basic ceramics techniques. At the time I thought of it as a great stress reliever, and it remained as such in all these years.

I started with small and “useful” objects, but after a while, it was the material that led me to more and more elaborate shapes and figures. It is hard to tell when these objects (cups, mugs, vases, …) turned into ceramic vessels, which were not just vases, but my first sculptures.

The more I worked, the more I had to say and express myself through this medium.

In 2007 I started exhibiting my work.

I have had a number of solo exhibitions and group exhibitions, I have participated in art colonies and symposiums, and I have received a number of prizes – both locally and abroad.

My artwork is the expression of my feelings, but also of social, political, and cultural issues; still – I invite my viewers to look for their personal interpretations and truths.

  • 2019 –  Lovran, Gallery Laurus
  • 2019 –  Crikvenica, Town Gallery
  • 2018 – Kastav, Church of the Holy Trinity Gallery
  • 2015 – Zagreb, ULUPUH Gallery
  • 2014 – Varaždin, KERAMEIKON K-10 Gallery
  • 2013 –  Vallauris (France) Gallery Gardanne
  • 2011 – Piran (Slovenia), Gallery Herman Pečarič
  • 2010 – Omišalj, Gallery Lapidarij
  • 2009 – Buzet, Heritage Museum
  • 2008 – Kraljevica, Frankopan Castle
  • 2008 – Zagreb, Gallery Zlatni konj
  • 2007 – Volosko

  • 2022 – Matulji (Croatia), Likovna poneštrica,; Mars and Water
  • 2022 – Rijeka (Croatia) HDLU Rijeka, Gallery Juraj Klović; 75th Annual Exhibition 2021 – Rijeka (Croatia), IKSIT
  • 2020 – Innsbruck (Austria), IKSIT, 6th int. keramik symposium Innsbruck – Tirol
  • 2019 – Rijeka (Croatia) / Faenza (Italy), Ceramica di Rijeka e Faenza;  Twins
  • 2018 – Rijeka (Croatia), Gallery Juraj Klović, HDLU Rijeka; New Members’ Annual Exhibition
  • 2017– Rijeka – Zagreb (Croatia), Gallery Juraj Klović and Gallery Izidor Kršnjavi, ULUPUH; Ceramics Laboratory II
  • 2016 – Rijeka (Croatia),ULUPUH; Ceramics Laboratory
  • 2016 – Zagreb (Croatia) and Ljubljana ( Slovenia), ULUPUH; Transcriptions of Heritage in Contemporary Ceramics 2008 –Varaždin (Croatia),Kerameikon and Friends; Winter
  • 2015 – Piran (Slovenia), Obalne galerije Piran; Here and Now – Views on Contemporary Ceramics
  • 2014 – Dublin (Ireland), ULUPUH; Croatian Ceramics in Ireland
  • 2013 – Olsztyn (Poland), Croatian Tactile Ceramics
  • 2011 – Pula (Croatia), HDLU Istria; New Members’ Annual Exhibition
  • 2010 – Priština (Kosovo), Contemporary Croatian Ceramics
  • 2010 – Urbino (Italy)
  • 2010 – Piran (Slovenia), Ten years of Ex tempore Piran; Expressions of the Earth
  • 2008 – Zagreb (Croatia), ULUPUH; Touch Me
  • 2008 – Zagreb(Croatia), Gallery Zvonimir; First Croatian Ceramics Triennial

  • 2014 –  Piran (Slovenia), Ex tempore, Grand Prix, 1st prize
  • 2013 –  Opishne (Ukraine), Intersymposium of ceramics, 1st prize for sculptur 2nd prize for the Pot Evolution
  • 2011 – Piran (Slovenia), Ex tempore, 2nd prize
  • 2011 –  Zagreb (Croatia), Croatian Ceramics Triennial, 1st prize
  • 2011 – Rijeka (Croatia), Keramika Rijeka, 1st prize
  • 2010 – Urbino (Italy), La corte della miniera – Festa raku, 1st prize
  • 2010 –Piran (Slovenia), Ex tempore, The Most Original Sculpture Award
  • 2010 – Rijeka (Croatia), Keramika Rijeka, 2nd prize
  • 2008 – Rijeka (Croatia), Keramika Rijeka, 2nd prize
  • 2008 – Zagreb (Croatia), Croatian Ceramics Triennial, 2nd prize
  • 2007 – Piran (Slovenia), Ex tempore, 3rd prize
  • 2007 – Lovran (Croatia), Ex tempore, The Best Sculpture Award

  • 2017 – 2nd Ceramic Art Colony, Ronjgi, Croatia
  • 2015 – 7th International Symposium of Art Ceramics, Ješkovo, Croatia
  • 2014 – 6th International Symposium of Art Ceramics, Ješkovo, Croatia
  • 2013 – Croatie, la voici; A.I.R. Vallauris, France
  • 2013 – Intersymposium of Ceramics, Opishne, Ukraine

  • „Dallo scultore alla scultura“ – M. Ivančić, T. Grubiša and R. Aiudi; Urbino, Italy
  • „Ceramic sculpting“ – M. Ivančić; Opishne, Ukraine

Mladen Ivančić

I might start with a vague notion or a drawing of what I intend to make, but it is the material, sometimes the shape, that takes me further and brings a sculpture to life. Sometimes it is a story that the shape carries. Ultimately, I invite my audience to find their version of the truth in my work.

Copyright © Mladen Ivančić - Designed by Sedma Kuća